Monday, 31 May 2010

Friends of Ravensbury Park

The Friends of Ravensbury Park was set up in 2004 to take an interest in the upkeep and development of Ravensbury Park.  The Friends group works closely with the London Borough of Merton, the Environemnt Agency and other organisations associated with the park.  The Environement Agency are responsible for the River Wandle and waterways that flow around the park.

Ravensbury Park is a unique, well-loved local park and valuable green space for people and wildlife.  To ensure that Ravensbury Park is maintained, local residents, visitors and groups associated with the park are invited to join the Friends of Ravensbury Park (FORP) and take an active part in a group dedicated to preserving the park for future generations and biodiversity.

The River Wandle flows through the southern edge of the park; the lake and backwaters, mature trees and shurbs contribute to the rich biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the park, particularly the old London Plane trees which are over 200 years old.

The Friends of Ravensbury Park hold regular meetings and practical conservation workdays in the park most first Sundays of the month.  Topics covered at the FORP meetings include:
  • conservation management of the park
  • practical working parties
  • monitoring wildlife
  • the lake
  • fishing
  • dogs
  • litter
  • vandalism
  • policing of the park
  • bridge access over waterways
anything and everything to do with Ravensbury Park.

The Friends, in partnership with Merton Council, have been successful in obtaining a number of grants to improve the park and its facilities.

For example: playground, planting, trees, bridges

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